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Cover Art © 2012
Amanda Kelsey

ISBN: 9780957152762 (print) / 9780957152779 (ebook)

282 pages / 62k words

Genres:  mystery, trivia, nonfiction, crosswords, quizzes

Tags: Arthur Conan Doyle, trivia, Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, Professor Moriarity

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The Sherlock Holmes Triviography and Quiz Book

(Second Edition)

By Kathleen Kaska



“In addition to 80 memory-straining quizzes and five challenging crossword puzzles, Kathleen Kaska offers us a treasure trove of fascinating facts about the Great Detective and his creator.”

—Dan Andriacco, author of the Sebastian McCabe - Jeff Cody Mysteries and

Baker Street Beat: An Eclectic Collection of Sherlockian Scribblings


“Kathleen Kaska has put together a wonderful mind teaser for all Sherlock Holmes aficionados. She covers it all: stories, books, the media; with lots of questions, puzzles, and trivia facts. No true Sherlockian will want to miss this grand Triviography and Quiz Book.”

Michael R. Pitts, author of Famous Movie Detectives I, II, and III, and

co-author of The Great Detective Pictures



Step out of your hansom cab and onto the foggy streets of Edwardian London with The Sherlock Holmes Triviography and Quiz Book, a comprehensive collection of fun and challenging trivia about the adventures of the inimitable detective whose intellectual feats overwhelmed criminals and Scotland Yard.


More than a century after Sherlock Holmes stepped from the pages of Arthur Conan Doyle’s first detective story, the greatest sleuth of all time is still firmly solidly ensconced in the work of modern literature. Television series, new Holmes writers, Holmes books, Holmes societies, websites, and numerous films have kept Sherlock Holmes fans intrigued with Holmes and Watson lore.


The Sherlock Holmes Triviography and Quiz Book offers brainteasers on each story and novel about the detective and his associate Dr. Watson, as well as background on how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s own experiences contributed to his literary work.

Kathleen Kaska is a writer of fiction, nonfiction, travel articles, and stage plays. She has just completed her most challenging endeavor, The Man Who Saved the Whooping Crane, a true story set in the 1940s and 50s, about Audubon ornithologist Robert Porter Allen whose mission was to journey into the Canadian wilderness to save the last flock of whooping cranes before encroaching development wiped out their nesting site, sending them into extinction. Published by University Press of Florida, the book is scheduled for release in 2012.


Kathleen also writes the award-winning Sydney Lockhart Mystery Series set in the 1950s when women were caught between the dichotomy of career and marriage; when fashion exploded with a never-before-seen flair; and movies and music had the country dancing with gusto. Her first mystery, Murder at the Arlington, won the 2008 Salvo Press Manuscript Contest. This book, along with her second mystery, Murder at the Luther, was selected as a bonus-book for the Pulpwood Queen’s Book Group, the largest book group in the country.

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